
This map is from
 Location: New Zealand is an island located in the South Pacific Ocean. It is southeast of the continent of Austrailia and is part of the area referred to as Oceania.

Size: New Zealand is 267,710 sq km (about the size of Colorado) ranking it #76 in the world. In comparison with the United States, it is only 3.3% of the size of our counrty.

Terrain: New Zealand is mostly covered with mountains however it has some large areas of coastal plains. Some noteworthy bodies of water include: Nelson Bay, Tasman Sea, the Cook Strait which separates the North & South Island, Lake Wakatipu, Milford Sound and Doubtful Sound in Fiordland National Park, Lake Pukaki, and Lake Matheson. The tallest point is Mount Cook-Aoraki (3754 m).

1 comment:

  1. Hello Matt. I would love to visit your country. Mountains and ocean! January looks like a nice time of year to do it.
